While different parts of the country are on a strict lock down, there are lots of companies who have closed during these hard times. Nevertheless, there are some who continue to work via their skeletal forces.

The strict implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine or ECQ has definitely changed the norms. Traditional methods have become useless for some business practices. COVID-19 has exposed the need to definitely go hi-tech. One of the most affected factors in terms of business is the payroll system. Thus, the need has become more essential now than ever before.

IATF Encourages Online Payroll

In line with this, the Philippine government has advocated in adopting an online payroll system for both private and public companies. The Inter-Agency Task Force or IATF has strongly encouraged companies to process their payroll via online methods. The strict enforcement of the Enhanced Community Quarantine reiterates the need to work or function via online means and rightfully so.

During these hard times, people are compelled to stay at home and for some, also work at home. It is understandable that companies need to continue to function in spite of the current situation and the need for manpower is highly critical whether for skeletal workforce or for work-at-home requirements.

New Normal

Companies who have already shifted to an online payroll system are the ones who have the upper hand nowadays. Nevertheless, it is never too late to make that jump. Business owners should really take a deep look into the benefits of having an online payroll service.

The current pandemic has enlightened the need but even if COVID-19 never happened, an online payroll system is the most beneficial option for big or even small companies. Take a look at the different government branches. They are also functioning via their own online systems. Thus, processing of the government benefits of employees deem much easier via an online payroll.

Online Payroll System is a Necessity

No company in the whole world is safe from a pandemic like this. It is safe to say that no company will be left untapped by the COVID-19 effect.

The continuity plans of businesses will be heavily tested as countries still fight to flatten the curve. Businesses will need to learn to adapt to the changing needs. Companies must focus on the best interest of their employees wherever possible. Thus, payroll is one factor that should always be among the top priorities.

Now is not the time for delayed or inconsistent payroll. With the growing uncertainty being brought forth by COVID-19, now is the time to make changes and adapt.

Companies need to look into an online payroll system as a necessity. No one knows the whole magnitude of the effect of COVID-19 but it will surely leave a mark. The future holds no certainty and businesses should be more aware, more informed and more prepared. Thus, there should be no time wasted in shifting to an online payroll system.

Companies need to see that an online payroll system is no longer a luxury. It is now a necessity.

If you need any help on your HR & Payroll System Requirements, feel free to send us a message 😊

Resources for your Online Payroll Needs:
1. Online System and Outsourcing: Payday https://payday.ph
2. Remote Timetracking and Monitoring: HiveDesk https://www.hivedesk.com/ & DeskTime https://desktime.com/