As the stereotype goes, when you report a problem to your IT team, their first question is often, "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" While it might seem annoying, the reality is that many issues can indeed be fixed with a reboot. The longer you keep your computer running without a restart or shutdown, the higher the chances of...

SDS is an IT Consulting organization helping businesses build a solid ground in the industry by taking advantage of the right tools & technology to solve business challenges.
When it comes to your technology, free is a word you need to use with caution. It sounds good, of course, but free Wi-Fi, free software, or free screen savers all come with risks. The same is true of free virtual private networks (VPNs). A VPN can provide valuable protection, but here’s why you want to pay for this tech. VPNs...
Your business may have robust cybersecurity protocols in place: you use firewalls, antivirus and malware protection, multi-factor authentication, and data encryption. Yet your cyber protection is only as secure as the weakest link. Regrettably, your people are often your biggest risk. We’re not saying your employees intend to risk your business data. It can happen, but human error is more likely...
Cyber insurance is essential for the internet-connected business. Yet, when was the last time you reviewed your policy? You may find new text outlining coverage for neglected software vulnerabilities. You may not even know what that involves. This article explains these vulnerabilities and how to avoid their associated costs. Cyber insurance typically helps cover the costs associated with the following common risks:...
Employee effectiveness is key to business success. When your people can do the right things well, you’ll see improved results. That leads to the question: How can businesses improve employee effectiveness? A managed service provider (MSP) can help your employees meet their goals effectively and efficiently. Supporting employee effectivenessTo perform effectively, your employees first need a couple of things from you....