Is Healthcare Compliance Enough?

Is Healthcare Compliance Enough?

The healthcare industry is a top target for cybercriminals. Healthcare providers hold patients’ personal and financial data. Plus, they offer a critical service and could be more likely to pay ransom to get systems back up and running. Recognizing the threat, industry regulators have instituted cybersecurity standards. Noncompliance is costly, but the real question is whether meeting the standards is enough. With...

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PhilHealth on the Upturn: How Will it Affect Local Businesses?

PhilHealth on the Upturn: How Will it Affect Local Businesses?

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation’s (PhilHealth) announcement of a contribution adjustment for the year 2021 has sparked varied opinions from its members. The adjustment raises the current 3.0% premium to 3.5%. This is aimed, as PhilHealth announces, “to ensure sufficient funding for the health care of its 110 million members as mandated by Republic Act No. 11223 or the...

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