Pushing Send? Know that Email Is Not Secure

Pushing Send? Know that Email Is Not Secure

We send an estimated 306 billion emails every day globally, personal and professional. Still, it’s not secure. Any private data, proprietary information or sensitive documents sent are at risk. Sending an email is convenient and quick, but when it comes to confidential data, you’re better off choosing another method of delivery, one that doesn't have as many potential points of...

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Business Continuity vs. Disaster Recovery: What’s the Difference?

Business Continuity vs. Disaster Recovery: What’s the Difference?

The risk of cyberattack is still growing globally, and no business is too small to hack or breach. It’s important to plan for business continuity and disaster recovery, and to do so in advance so you’re prepared for the worst. But first, you’ll need to understand the difference between the two. Some use business continuity and disaster recovery interchangeably,...

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